The Atmel ATMEGA168 was the first MCU I programmed completely by myself, and it’s true what they say: when, after hours of fiddling and reviewing the circuit...
Near the end of 1983, computers entered my life, and have never checked out. Pasionate about creating interactions with these machines, programming languages have always been my favorite topic. This love for languages evolved towards a love for Enterprise Architecture, doing the right thing with the right tools in the right way.
After roughly 30 years doing (mostly administrative) software, I decided to take a leap and move into the hardware world, more specifically the area of embedded systems.
If you’re new to and interested in electronics and embedded systems, you might want to read my first steps in electronics and my first steps in embedded systems as a guide from nothing to something. These two pages serve as an introduction and are basically a guided index through most of the other hardware-related pages in this section.
Besides hardware, this section also hosts a collection of notes on different technologies.
The Atmel ATMEGA168 was the first MCU I programmed completely by myself, and it’s true what they say: when, after hours of fiddling and reviewing the circuit...
To handle the programmer when programming e.g. my ATMEGA168, I use avrdude.
Let’s go old-skool 😇 I’ve never been great at using bookmarks in my browser, and don’t really “use” a lot of sites - papa Google seems to be sort of my bookm...
I started using Eagle when I designed the Fri3d Camp badge, my first solo-SMD project. This section is devoted to my notes on learning and using it.
This page is more than 10 years old and besides the fact that the circuit diagrams are no longer available, it needs some love. I intent to clean it up in...
While doing research for possible master thesis topics, I’m looking into the idea of wireless sensor network. At KULeuven the DISTRINET research group is spe...
These are my notes on installing Homebridge, connecting it to Apple’s Home apps and integrating Niko Home Control, (Siemens) Home Connect and Logitec Harmony...
There are many programmers, but because I know I’ll also will need to debug stuff on my MCU’s, I decided to buy the more advanced JTAGICE mkII.
What do real programmers use to debug software ? Right, printf. And that’s what I also want to do from my ATMEGA168. So let’s add a serial interface to the b...
MacOS doesn’t need much notes - it’s simply that good ;-)
My notes on installing, running and using MongoDB
For hardware prototyping work, Arduino offers a very quick path to something functionally complete. There are very nice version, like the Uno and Micro, but ...
Up to now, I haven been using virtualenv for my Python development. Recently, after having run into issues now and then - which were more related to the inst...
These are my notes on the Raspberry Pi, model 3b.
This page is more than 10 years old and besides the fact that the circuit diagrams are no longer available, it needs some love. I intent to clean it up in...
This page is more than 10 years old and besides the fact that the circuit diagrams are no longer available, it needs some love. I intent to clean it up in...
OpenSSL is a wonderful technology and the openssl toolset is truly a Swiss Armyknife. But I don’t use it on a daily basis and therefore I tend to forget how ...
I know, I’m late to the WS2811 party. But better late than never ;-) During the Christmas period of the wonderful year 2020, we decided to make a “Happy New ...
Zigbee is the de facto wireless communication standard in Wireless Sensor Networks these days. It’s a low-power communication stack that provides a way to cr...