Homebridge Notes

1 minute read

These are my notes on installing Homebridge, connecting it to Apple’s Home apps and integrating Niko Home Control, (Siemens) Home Connect and Logitec Harmony (Hub)


Prepare node execution environment:

$ curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_12.x | sudo bash -
$ sudo apt-get install -y nodejs gcc g++ make python
$ node -v
$ sudo npm install -g npm

Install Homebridge:

$ sudo npm install -g --unsafe-perm homebridge homebridge-config-ui-x
$ sudo hb-service install --user homebridge

On MacOS (e.g. for development purposes):

$ brew install node
$ npm install -g homebridge homebridge-config-ui-x

Create a local instance folder and add a config.json:

$ mkdir homebridge-dev
    "bridge": {
      "name": "Homebridge Dev",
      "username": "CC:22:3D:E3:CE:30",
      "port": 51262,
      "pin": "031-45-154"
    "accessories": [],
    "platforms": [
            "name": "Config",
            "port": 8581,
            "platform": "config",
            "log": {
              "method": "file",
              "path": "homebridge.log"
$ homebridge -D -U ./homebridge-dev > homebridge-dev/homebridge.log

And visit http://localhost:8581 ↗.

Niko Home Control

Install Niko Home Control Plugin from https://github.com/openhomekit/homebridge-nhc2 ↗

$ sudo npm install -g @openhomekit/homebridge-nhc2

Using https://mynikohomecontrol.niko.eu/ ↗ add the Niko Hobby API and obtain the password formatted as a JWT token.

Edit Homebrigde configuration:

"platforms": [
      "platform" : "NHC2",
      "name" : "NHC2",
      "host": "FP<mac address>.local",
      "password": "<obtained password from Niko>"

For development, clone a fork of and link it to the development instance of homebridge:

$ git clone git@github.com:christophevg/homebridge-nhc2.git

$ cd homebridge-nhc2
kibo:homebridge-nhc2 xtof$ npm link

> homebridge-nhc2@1.2.1 prepare /Users/xtof/Workspace/homebridge/homebridge-nhc2
> npm run build

> homebridge-nhc2@1.2.1 build /Users/xtof/Workspace/homebridge/homebridge-nhc2
> rimraf ./dist && tsc

added 176 packages from 184 contributors and audited 177 packages in 7.103s

31 packages are looking for funding
  run `npm fund` for details

found 0 vulnerabilities

/usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge-nhc2 -> /Users/xtof/Workspace/homebridge/homebridge-nhc2

Add the same configuration as above, and run Homebridge in insecure mode:

$ homebridge -D -I -U ./homebridge-dev > homebridge-dev/homebridge.log

After editing the TypeScript sources, rebuild them using:

$ npm run-script build

Siemens Home Connect

Setup using the default Home Connect app.

Visit https://developer.home-connect.com/user/register ↗ to setup a developer account and register a new application at https://developer.home-connect.com/applications/add ↗ with “device flow”.

Copy the ClientId into the Homebridge configuration:

"platforms": [
      "platform": "HomeConnect",
      "clientid": "<obtained client id from home connect>"

Install the Home Connect plugin:

$ sudo npm install -g homebridge-homeconnect

Logitec Harmony

$ sudo npm install --unsafe-perm -g homebridge-harmony
"platforms": [
      "platform": "HarmonyHubWebSocket",
      "cleanCache": true,
      "TVAccessory": false,
      "switchAccessories": true
