Me, myself and I according to Christophe VG

“Passion makes the world go round.” Well, in my world it really does. Lack of passion is not something you can accuse me of and I tend to incorporate it in everything I do. On a professional level I’m passionate about software architecture, about doing the right thing in the right way.

Professional might be an understatement, because in my not so copious spare time I also tend to enjoy the company of my MacBooks to work on some fun project. Most of these are available in the open through my GitHub repositories ↗.

In 2011, at the age of 37, I decided to return to full time studying at the University of Leuven, seizing the moment to take a step back and try to find a (professional) life that I can be even more passionate about. After about a year it became apparant that embedded systems seemed to lure me their way. The hardware world became a very important counter-part to my interest in software.

But, there is more than computers in my life. My daughter Eline ↗ and son Arjen ↗ really brighten up every day of my life. Cooking, digital photography and catamaran sailing complete the initial picture of my world. Each of these have their own section on this site and contain information at various levels - mostly notes, sometimes in depth introductions.

In this section I collect topics that add some more personal details. Some of them are tagged “thing”. These are small write-ups about some thing I seem to have an opinion about.

Other pages are just plain informative and/or practical.


A-Social Networks

2 minute read

Note: This thing is already quite old and just like social networks, I’ve also evolved and moved on. So I’ve annotated the first paragraph to represent my ac...

Fri3d Camp

3 minute read

In de vroege uurtjes, bij het opkomen van de eerste zonnestralen over OHM2013 , het vierjaarlijkse Nederlandse hackerkamp, vonden Anthony  en ik dat de tijd ...


I, Software Architect

12 minute read

In the information technology industry, we’re in an eternal naming game. Working actively in this industry for over 20 years, I’ve seen many methodologies, i...


2 minute read

Favoriete song (tekst) van het ogenblik …


No Excuses

4 minute read

While visiting The Good Home  exposition in Aalst, I had a great chat with Alexandra Deschamps-Sonsino  and Dries De Roeck  about the intersection of design,...


Problem Seeker

36 minute read

Hi, my name is Christophe... and I'm a problem seeker. Don't you mean you're a problem solver?! 😅 ...


Revisiting Higher Education

11 minute read

Having decided to return to full-time studying presented me with an incredible opportunity to make a personal evaluation of our education system and academic...


3 minute read

Deze pagina mag dan wel meer dan 15 jaar oud zijn, ze blijft meer dan relevant. De spelregels rond SPAM zijn in al die tijd echt niet veranderd, bewijze h...