Fri3d Badge

less than 1 minute read

In 2014 Anthony ↗ and I hacked together the first edition of Fri3d Camp, a family-friendly hacker camp. Two years later, we did it again, now with a team of 8 great, like-minded souls. Besides being in charge of organising the content, I also took on the job to design and produce a custom Arduino badge for every one of the 299+1 attendees.

A big round of applause goes out to everyone who helped me make this the success it was: the entire Fri3d orga team, FabLab Brussels, Yannick, Maarten, Dragan,…

Nothing to See here ;-)

All information on the Fri3d Badge, can be found in other locations around the web:

Design Files

I’ve documented (well, still have to complete some of it) every step in the design and production of the badge in a Github repository ↗. It includes all design files.